Garden Public Information Terminal

Star Garden Academy

Tuasun Ito-Chaontis

Commander Tuasun Ito-Chaontis is the son of Limsan-Born fisherman Petyr Chaontis and the Onokoro-born Asashi Ito. Having been in conflicts nearly his entire life, Tuasun is a unique individual forged from a history a blood. From pirate, to 1st Lieutenant in the Twin Adders, to a Captain of the Maelstrom, a Knight of the Barracuda, and finally Commander of SeeD. Tua has spread influence through as many means as take his interest. Dubbed the 'Gamba God' in the club world for his dealings in casinos. 'Pirate King' in the Professional Blitzball world as Captain of the Limsa Lominsa Barracuda. Tua is a household name on this star. Now he only wants to use that power and influence in a revival of Garden and a brighter future with his beloved fiancee and children.

Salem Kitsu-Chaontis

Headmistress Salem Kitsu-Chaontis is a sought after tailor, artist, and educator. With a passion for teaching and astromancy, Salem uses her knowledge of the stars to guide her path through life. While she was born in Mor Dhona, she spent most of her teenage years studying the stars in Ishgard, and learning more about her Kitsune blood from her ancestors’ shrine in the Ruby Sea. As cute and short as she may be, Garden’s headmistress is not one to be trifled with. Mess with her, or anyone under her protection, and Salem will not hesitate to show what she has learned during her time on Hydaelyn.

Our Combat Program specializes in advanced Counter-Offensive tactics that will heighten your mental and physical discipline to the levels of the elite. These special defensive operative skills will not only escalate your prowess in combat but the safeguard of all life and the resources of our precious star. This is where the best of the best are trained in the safeguard of Etheriys.

The Star Garden Intelligence Division is an agency that gathers and provides intelligence on bad actors and global issues to the Command Council to help them make informed decisions.

Garden's Sciences focus on the understanding of the natural, aetheric, and technological nature of the Star and it's cultures. Through understanding and applying science, students and SeeDs will learn fundamentals of research, engineering, and critical thinking that can be applied in both civilian and combat situations. SeeDs on science missions may be conducting field repairs, designing and testing tools, investigating and cataloguing phenomena, or solving complex problems for our clients, while students will be taught cutting-edge theory and application to prepare them to excel in a changing and evolving world.

The Medical Program at SeeD is responsible for making sure students know how to perform basic healing in the field till they can reach the infirmary or a healer to prevent any permanent injuries. Students will learn both Aetherical healing theory and hands-on training with mundane techniques. The student will emerge confident in their abilities as an emergency healer, and possibly the deciding factor.

Othard Garden Faculty

Nutmeg "Cinnamon" Button

:Botany Studies:
Nutmeg Button

Miss Nutmeg "Cinnamon" Button is a small quiet half-Viera who buries her nose in books more often than not. Growing up in the land rich Honey Yard she has nurtured her love of plants and the natural world. She now dedicates her time to discovering, researching, and cataloguing all the plants of this Star along with teaching anyone willing to listen about them.

Coerthas Garden Faculty

:Photography and Dance Studies:
S'cylle Aldmiir

S'cylle Aldmiir is a sweet, hyper blue-haired Miqo'te who is well-known across Etheirys, having made a name for herself as a superstar photographer. Being raised in Thavnair meant that she learned the traditional art of Dancing at a young age, and has honed those skills as she's grown older and experienced more of life. Nowadays, she spends her time taking photo commissions and teaching others the arts of both photography and Dancing - when she isn't with her husband, Liam, and daughter, L'rika.

:Artistic Studies:
Mateo Larousse

Mateo Larousse, or simply 'Larousse', was born in the Sixth Umbral Era in Mor Dhona in a town called Ivywood. He showed a natural aptitude for portraiture to such an extent that he was commissioned in his early teens by Lady Amandine of Gridania. From there, his name became well known in higher circles and he found no shortage of work. After the Battle of Silvertear Skies and subsequent destruction of his home, Mateo embraced the nomadic lifestyle. He has traveled the star many times over to record its history in paint. He is most well known for being the man behind such famous paintings as 'The Lord Commander', 'Onus of An Engineer', 'The Admiral,' and even 'The Emperor' (as a gift to the Imperial Family). While his name is known across the star, Mateo maintains a rather reclusive existence.

:Home Economic Studies:
Henriette d'Ecarlatte

Sister Henriette d'Ecarlatte is a noble raised local Ishgardian who found peace and love through the worship of Halone. An inquisitive soul, Henriette teaches Home Economics, leading souls through needlework, cooking, and other lessons not always available to children raised in less than ideal situations. When not teaching, Henriette can usually be found in the Infirmary, assisting in healing students and fellow staff.

:Combat Studies and Techniques:
Tol'ah Rose

Having served both as a Sultansworn, and later as a high-ranking Captain in the Maelstrom, Tol'ah Rose has turned to the life of mercenary work and taking on a variety of roles from working as a part-time detective, full-time bodyguard, and operating her own airship for transport and 'other' tasks', using it continue her passion for sailing and navigation. Having been trained in a variety of combat applications, serving as a commander on a battlefield, bounty-hunter, and her exceptional service has equipped the massive viera with a plethora of combat knowledge, that the woman hopes to impart to young adventurers, students, mercenaries, or those simply wishing to know how to fight to protect themselves and their home and loved ones.
Currently, Tol'ah only offers basic combat studies, but hopes to expand the curriculum to include more advanced techniques, tactics training, 'field trips,' and more to better equip those interested in strengthening their skills. Tol'ah is often found at her home in Shirogane, working in Ul'dah and Limsa, and now, can be found in the classroom. Tol'ah is serving as a first-time educator, and looks forward to helping as many as she can and grow into her role!

:Astrology/Chronomancy/Astrophysics Studies:
Padudu Moro

Padudu, or simply Miss Padu, is a Sharlayan-born, Sharlayan trained Astrologian. Having practiced the craft since she was a child, many Archons have considered her a prodigy in her early years. Her devotion and sole focus on attuning celestial bodies to the earthly realm of the star has earned her many accolades in the field of astrology and astronomy. Even after the exodus of the colony in Dravania, she continued her studies by studying the abandoned books of the Gubal Library, as well as befriending certain dragonfolk and becoming well versed with their near infinite amount of knowledge.A reader and believer of fortune, the Lalafellin woman will always be a helping hand to those wanting to decipher the past, present, and future with her palm readings and various meditation techniques. One of her many goals in life is to impart the knowledge she has onto her students, both in the classroom and through adventures, a goal she gladly fulfills through the Academy and on her own time. Nonjudgmental and kind, she welcomes every problem with a passionate heart, no matter how bizarre, strange, and dangerous. Through these values the woman has earned a reputation for being a thrill seeker with a penchant for ghastly, sometimes gruesome subjects, a reputation she gladly embraces.These days, if she is not teaching or going through her rigorous routine of stars and physical exercise, she can be found with her fiance, taking care of business at their funeral parlor or their veterinary clinic.

Thanalan Garden Faculty

:Alchemy Studies:
Sakiyo Daisho-Albina

Sakiyo Daisho-Albina, the wife of Caius Albina, is a well educated Raen from Sharlayan, a member of the Sharlayan Forum who does not excel in one thing, but instead has some skill in a bit of everything. Though often seen as aloof and introverted, she is a well of knowledge and is all too happy to share it with others.

:Thaumaturgy Studies:
Caius Albina

Caius 'Dandyman' Albina, a distinguished Hyur hailing from Ishgard, holds titles as a Knight Dragoon and professor of Thaumaturgy at Arrzaneth Ossuary. Known for his genteel demeanor and commitment to justice, Caius also serves as Keeper of Garden Archives. His dedication to mentoring others in martial arts, thaumaturgy, and etiquette speaks volumes about his character and aspirations.

:Business Studies:
Selia Cen Vespillo

Selia Cen Vespillo is a kind hearted woman with a sharp mind when it comes to business, thanks to the teachings of her husband who never failed to support her in her learning phase. Earning the title of 'Cen' among her people for her renowned Alchemical feats and advances; she has since opened several shops throughout the Star, with one in every city-state thus far. At her side, her assistant, Ravi'ra of the Deep Shroud; helps her to ensure a smooth operation both in and out of the classroom. She aims to see more young minds venture into the world of business, and hopes one day to see the dreams of her students to fruition. Always striving to see that education is passed on, this Garlean is especially excited to see those under her tutelage thrive and prosper. Selia can often be found at one of her shops or home, Rutupiae in Garlemald, or in the classroom."Opportunities can affect someone for eternity... But only if they take the leap of faith to pursue them."
-Selia Cen Vespillo

:Beast Tribe Studies:
Miah Bajhiri

Miah Bajhiri, a keeper born and raised in North Shroud in Gridiana. She studied in Limsa Lominsa as a researcher under the arcanist guild. This led her to become known for her diplomatic work and studies with local and far ranging beast tribes. She has written and illustrated books on the various tribes known to the source and is currently eager to learn more about the ones she already has a good standing with as well as ones as yet unknown.

  • Nayanna Quavarn

  • Lilith Saerun

  • E'zurah Tia

  • W'grahn Tia

  • Isaac Valimir

  • M'Rana Akhabila

  • Zen Madjingos


Leon Tempest & Zen Madjingos

Leon Tempest is a veteran of the Garlean War and The End of Days, this son of Limsa Lominsa has dedicated his life to ensuring a prosperous future for his children and the children of the star.
He serves as SeeD's Second in command and oversees all Program Heads.

Command Captain Zen Madjingos, a quiet Hyur who hails from Northern Tural. Coming to Eorzea with nothing but memories of home, Eorzea Garden, the previous incarnation of Star Garden took him in and gave him everything he could ask for, an education, skills, combat experience, friendship, and love. With Star Garden’s founding, Zen’s mentor and friend, LT. Commander Leon Tempest gave him an offer. Zen now serves as SeeD’s Third in command and provides the LT. Commander a less busy schedule. Justice and the protection of the innocent no matter the cost are Zen’s values, he wishes to provide those a home that he had under Garden.


Khallendra sas Khaine & Bas Inu

Tribunus Khallendra sas Khaine is a veteran that fought and saw the Garlean Conquest on several fronts. Having spent time with the VIIth in Eorzea then the XIIth in Doma. Then serving time most recently with the VIth legion and aiding her home during this time of reconstruction.Khallendra comes from a family renowned for their loyalty and tenacity. With Khallendra being a prime example with her acumen for strategy, often unorthodox style and being what some would call a natural born leader saw her rise through the ranks of the Garlean Empire. With over seventeen years of experience that saw them earned through merit and not handouts for her bloodline or simply being a pureblood. She rose to be where she is today, and now aiming to use her first hand experience to train the future defenders of Etheriys.

Bas Inu is a fighter of unknown origins who got his start with adventuring and mercenary work. He has found himself on many battlefields over the past decade and has become known as a reliable combatant. While being proficient with many weapons, Bas primarily fights with an unarmed style that grabs inspiration from many martial arts. A graduate of the previous Garden himself, Bas was appointed Lieutenant within the Combat Division, and he hopes to be of help to those of Star Garden and those who request it’s aid.


Catastrophe & Papaga Yaga

Born in the rugged highlands of Gyr Abania, Catastrophe emerged from a lineage of fierce warriors and survivalists. His early years were marked by the harsh realities of life under Garlean occupation, which honed his skills in stealth and subterfuge.

Papaga Yaga, enigmatic merchant from Ul'dah. Allegedly the product of centuries of selective breeding from a long line of mages, consistently innocent of whatever it is you think he did, and perfectly harmless. Was appointed Lieutenant of the Intelligence Division, which is sure to end well for everyone involved.


Iris Blanchimont & Qasim Abd al Daiya

Lady Iris Blanchimont is an Ishgardian inventor and political figure known for her commitment to pluralism and global affairs as well as her unmitigated passion for the sciences. She helms the Allied Nations Committee on Scientific Advancement and serves as Star Garden's Captain in charge of the Sciences. Additionally, as an adoptee herself, she is proud to be part Garden's role as an orphanage.

[Reserved For Science LT]


Geimkoena Itarzoengwyn & Jezabel Uzumaki

Geimkoena Itarzoengwyn was the daughter of a violent gladiator, whom she fled from in her late teens. Learning a variety of emergency medical techniques in Western Coerthas she returned south older, wiser, and stronger. Having defeated her father, her goal is to avoid the Calamity she witnessed, and the needless death over again.

Jezabel Uzumaki is a Au Ra hailing from Radz-at-Han where she grew up learning to love fashion, healing, and playing the occasional round of Blackjack. Her love of healing led her to accept the post of Lieutenant of Medical at SeeD to not only spread her love of healing but to help keep others safe. While she mainly focuses on the healing arts due to her dislike of combat unless absolutely necessary she is known to pick up a pair of Chakrams to dance her way through battle when a more fierce approach is needed.

Raging Wolf - Garden Groundskeeping Coordinator

Serali - Standing Physician

Usagi - Infirmary Staff

Nevaeh Hopewell - Infirmary Staff

Tzu - Head of Kitchen

Granny Thyme Burrows - Librarian

Sifr Fran - Garden Historian

John Q. Mender - Syndicate Liaison

Yujiko - Barmaid

Taturaga Raga - Item Shop Manager

Currently Hiring

=Student Roster=
Erieka Bajhiri
E'zurah Tia
Isaac Valimir
Ivy Blachimont
Juniper Anthurium
Lapius Undbraenasyn
Lilith Saerun
Momoti Moti
M'Rana Akhabila
Nayanna Quavarn
Thasadore of Arda
Twila Anthurium
W'grahn Tia
Zeke Igasaki


  • Students should be in their seats and waiting for the instructors 5 minutes before class.

  • When class is over, proceed quietly to your next class.

  • Food, weapons and magic are prohibited.

  • Study panels are shared. Handle with care.

Training Center

  • Proceed with caution. There are real monsters in the training center.

  • It is open 24 hours. Entering the grounds for reasons other than training is prohibited.

  • Do not engage in battles beyond your abilities.


  • Visit the infirmary if you have and health concerns or problems.

  • No items may be taken from the infirmary without permission.

  • Follow the doctor's instructions.

  • Resident Physician: Nurse Serali


Open Hours:

  • For Minors: 9:00 a.m.–lights out.

  • For Adults: 24/7

Library Usage:

  • All materials are open to the public. You may check out materials at the desk.

  • Materials must be returned on time or face risks of late fees.

  • Remain quiet at all times.


  • Everybody is welcome to apply.

  • SeeDs have priority for single rooms.

  • Going out after-hours for reasons other than training is prohibited for minors.

  • Do not leave personal possessions in common areas.


  • Open Hours

9:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.

  • Keep the area clean.

  • If late-night meals are required, order them beforehand.

  • Dorm #1: Nayanna Quavarn & Erieka Bajhiri

  • Dorm #2: Lilith Saerun & Arasatra

  • Dorm #3: Lapius Undbraenasyn & Magri Ramos

  • Dorm #4: E'zurah Tia & Isaac Valimir

  • Dorm #5: Zeke Igasaki & W'grahn Tia

  • Dorm #6: Vacant

  • Dorm #7: M'Rana Akhabila & Momoti Moti

  • Dorm #8: Thasadore of Arda & Juniper Anthurium

  • Dorm #9: Twila Anthurium & Ivy Blachimont

  • Dorm #10: Vacant

  • Dorm #11: Vacant

  • Dorm #12: Closed

  • Dorm #1: Vacant

  • Dorm #2: Vacant

  • Dorm #3: Vacant

  • Dorm #4: Vacant

  • Dorm #5: Closed

  • Dorm #6: Vacant

  • Dorm #7: Vacant

  • Dorm #8: Vacant

  • Dorm #9: Vacant

  • Dorm #10: Vacant

  • Dorm #11: Vacant

  • Dorm #12: Vacant

  • Dorm #1: Vacant

  • Dorm #2: Vacant

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  • Dorm #4: Vacant

  • Dorm #5: Vacant

  • Dorm #6: Vacant

  • Dorm #7: Vacant

  • Dorm #8: Vacant

  • Dorm #9: Vacant

  • Dorm #10: Vacant

  • Dorm #11: Vacant

  • Dorm #12: Vacant


  • In general, there is no dress code in Star Garden. However, dress accordingly if instructed to do so by your superiors.

Rewards and Punishments

  • The headmistress presents official commendations to outstanding students.

  • Students who engage in violent acts, sexual promiscuity, or who fall behind in their curriculum, etc. may be expelled from Garden.


  • The skills acquired in the Garden must never be used for personal gain.

  • Refrain from committing any acts that may damage the Garden's reputation.

  • Take time to think things through before starting a relationship.

  • Be respectful of others' cultural and religious beliefs.


  • Procedures in case of an emergency: If you are on 2F, use the emergency exit near the designated stairwell. If you are on 1F, exit through the front gate.

  • All students must take care of junior classmen during emergencies.

  • Do not use the lift during an emergency.

Evening Outings

  • All under age students should be in their dorm rooms after-hours unless at the training center.

  • All romantic rendezvous between adult students should be kept off campus.

  • Students who return to campus intoxicated may face misconduct demerits.

Student Uniforms

Please speak to administration for your uniform.


  • Garden's Youth between ages 5–15 are admitted.

  • Adult Applicants must make an appointment with administration.

  • All hard-working and confident youths are welcome.

  • Ambitious overachievers are also welcome.

  • Applicants are admitted only after passing a final interview.


  • Students from Star Orphanage must be between 16–19 years of age.

  • One must have all the required skills and knowledge taught through the Garden courses.

  • One must have the headmistress' approval to graduate.

  • At age 20, regardless of graduation all students are released from the Garden.

Opportunities for Alumni

  • Garden supports a program that helps graduates enlist in armies all over the star.

  • Garden also assists graduates of its various science and arts programs gain employment with its affiliates such as the various guilds and Garlond Ironworks

  • Instructors and SeeDs are permitted to remain at the Garden. However, SeeDship must be attained before the age of 20.

About Star Garden (Malboro)

  • Star Garden HeadMistress

Salem Kitsu-Chaontis

  • SeeD High Commander

Tuasun Ito-Chaontis

About Thanalan Garden (Mateus)

  • Garden Head Archivist

Caius Albina

About Othard Garden (Goblin)

  • Garden Head Curator

Nutmeg "Cinnamon" Button

About Vylbrand Garden

  • Under Construction

About Shroud Garden

  • Under Construction

About Ilsabard Garden

  • Under Construction

About Tural Garden

  • Conceptional Stage

What is a SeeD?

  • Star Garden's mercenary force. Students 16 and older can participate in a minimum of two year long preparatory programs before taking the written and field exams. They must pass both exams to become SeeD. SeeD members are paid by the Garden according to their rank.

  • SeeD conducts missions around the world. Most missions involve humanitarian aid and working with local law enforcement. SeeD is in high demand by groups requiring a small force of trained specialists. Commissions made through such dispatches are an important part of Star Garden's income.

Dispatching SeeDs

  • SeeDs are deployed all over the world.

  • Their services are requested by governments and even civilians.

  • Their tasks range from providing military support to protecting civilians.

Qualifications for SeeD

  • Garden Students may apply when of age.

  • Adult Applicants must complete specified programs.

  • Passing the written test and completing an official mission are required to become a SeeD.

  • SeeDs are paid according to rank.

SeeD Assets

SeeD Assault Boat

Used primarily as a troop carrier for conflicts near accessible waterways, the assault boat can seat six soldiers plus two pilots with standing room for at least one more. The entrance is via a starboard hatch, an opening on the bow, and a top hatch that provides access to an artillery gun, the only offensive weaponry.


Armored Personnel Carriers are used frequently by operatives traveling in dangerous terrains. They seat six soldiers as well as a driver and navigator.


A motorcycle with an enhanced engine and hydraulics allowing cyclists the ability to leap over obstacles during battle situations.

Garlean Hypersonic Assault Craft

Provided by Garlean sponsors the Hypersonic Assault Craft can transport up to 7 individuals over long distances. It is also manned with canons used in support.

Garlean Submarines

Provided by Garlean sponsors, these aquatic crafts can transport entire contingents if needed.

Authorized Personnel Only


Tuasun Ito-Chaontis
Leon Tempest
Zen Madjingos


Khallendra Khaine
Bas Inu
Kaya Khuba
Ruik Sky
Torrin Sliabh


Catastrophe Theory
Papaga Yaga


Iris Blanchimont


Koena Itarzoengwyn
Jezabel Uzumaki
Sister Henriette d’Écarlatte

Garden is Gratefully Sponsored By:

Black Rabbit Adventurers' Bar.

Black Rabbit Bar, serving eastern Ul'dah for 3 years. Don't drink the tea. Have an ale, courtesy of the Black Rabbit. He's in the walls.

Vespillo Family

The Vespillo family's sponsor is being headed by Selia. She is offering all those associated with both Star Garden and SeeD, discounts at the various shops Selia owns in each city state as well as in Garlemald. The funds spent by bodies associated by either will get donated back into the school. They are also offering the use of three transport airships to help with school trips and bringing in any materials needed for the school and/or classes.

Anamnesis Eorzea

Creation is beautiful in all its forms. From music to magic, from history to nature, all things made deserve study and preservation. At Anamnesis Eorzea, we record and study festivals, faiths, and the very fringes of Spoken understanding for all Etheirys to learn from.